I hope that you are having a great week!!
We just finished going through a major election in our country this past Monday, and whether you voted red, green, blue or orange…isn’t it great to know that God is in control.I appreciate the men and women that give leadership to our country, but may we always be mindful that we need to submit firstly, and wholeheartedly to God. Pray for our new Prime Minister and those that will be making decisions in Ottawa.
Did you enjoy church last week? In case you missed out, I had a special friend from southern California come to speak at our Missions Sunday emphasis. Ken Dobson’s aunt and uncle started the Mission of Mercy in Calcutta, India over 50 years ago. Why not have a look at the website (www.cmmcanada.org). It is incredible what is happening through this outreach. After Ken did a short presentation about the mission, he felt prompted by God to go a totally different way….it was so awesome!! Ken spoke about the precious Holy Spirit and how we as followers of Christ can have a close, meaningful and daily interaction with the Holy Spirit. I believe that the whole church received something special!
This Sunday, two of our CBC students will be leading the time of singing and worship. Lets come anticipating to meet with God as we gather together and sing.
I’m also starting a brand new series called…FIGHT! It’s all about winning the battles that matter the most. Are you willing to go down without a fight? Because it can happen so easily…your marriage, your finances, your faith…all of these are in the battle zone. This series is about equipping us to fight the battles that matter the most….the ones that we must win!!
See you on Sunday,
Pastor Glenn and Cheryl
*New Sermon Series: FIGHT…Winning the Battles that Matter the Most
Are you willing to go down without a fight? Because it can happen so easily…your marriage, your family, your finances, your faith…all of these are in the battle zone.
This series is all about equipping us to fight the battles that matter the most, the ones that will eventually determine the state of our heart. In every single one of our lives, there are certain battles that you must fight and you must win.
Oct 25th Fight…When Life Gets Really Difficult
Nov 1st Fight..When the Odds Are Against You
Nov 15th Fight…To Safeguard My Sexuality
Nov 22nd Fight…The Right Person

High School Students meet Wednesday nights from 7-8:30pm at CBC below the chapel
Evening Events For BOTH middle and hight school students, the last Wednesday night of each month we have a BIG youth event. We invite all our students to join us as we have a different special event planned for each month