ACC March 4, 2018

Hi everyone,
If you remember last weekend we had snow that blanketed the city…and then it disappeared. I can’t even guess or imagine what could happen this weekend?!?

There is however, one thing I am certain about and that is the excitement that I feel for this Sunday at ACC. I can hardly wait!
First of all, we are going to hear from the Mexico Team and their ministry down at Casa De Luz a few weeks ago under the leadership of Walt and Sarah Siebert. It was so exciting to be a part of this team made up of children, youth, young adults, seniors…and oh yeah, Vic Kaay and Chris Ryan!! There may be a few “extra stories” that get shared somewhere in the service…just ask me about the ‘nail-gun’.

We are also getting ready to send out another six individuals on Missions starting March 11th. Make sure you are in church as we pray, support and encourage those that are heading out to share the love of Christ; Rebecca and Cole, Marley, Cassidy and Allyssa and Kris. Again, I love that fact that you (as a church) love to do missions work!!

This Sunday I am starting a brand new series called “Broken”.  All of us have experienced hurt, turmoil and times of distress in our lives. I’m sure there have been times that you have felt battered, bruised and broken on the inside (and even the outside). We are going to look at being ‘broken people in the hands of an unbreakable God’. Join us as we look at the first message in this series titled, “Getting Past our Past”.

We look forward to seeing you on Sunday,
Pastor Glenn and Cheryl

In the red room we are continuing the action bible. In the yellow room we are learning about heaven and a new curriculum is on the way. In the green room we just began reading the children’s story bible.

Mar 4 – Combined Youth Night! Going to continuing the Alpha Youth series, which is very exciting 🙂 We are looking forward to having fun and learning more about Jesus. Meeting at CBC, 6:30-8:30pm.

Mar 11 – City-Wide Prayer Night! There is a city-wide youth prayer night hosted by HillCity Church that we will be attending. Meeting like normal at CBC, 6:30-8:30.


Mar 11 – Middle School Youth! During the service, Grades 6-8. Continuing the series The Bee Squad!

April 1 – Baptism opportunity. If you or a youth are looking to make a commitment to Jesus, Alderbrook is having a baptism April 1st. Talk to Jadon or Glenn for more info!