ACC @ CBC April 29, 2018

Hi everyone,

Did you enjoy the summer weather this past week? Where did that come from? A few days ago it seemed like we were doomed to grow fish gills and start swimming upstream!?!

This Sunday at Alderbrook is Souper Sunday!! It is always such a great time to eat together and get to know each other better. We will also be saying farewell to Jadon and Sarah Ward as they are transitioning to Saskatchewan to further their schooling. We have appreciated this fine young couple so much and we hate to see them go. On the other hand, I learned long ago to never stand in the way of God’s will. Even though we are sad, we are excited for the next life chapter that God is directing them.

This Sunday we will also be continuing our series on the book of REVELATION; Breaking the Code.This week is the third part as we look at “Can I Trust the Bible for End Time Info? We will be looking at Revelation chapters two and three and see ‘what was said to the Seven Churches’. There is much in the Bible for us and our church today.

Enjoy the weather, get your Soup or Chili ready and we will see you Sunday,
Pastor Glenn and Cheryl



This Sunday “Goodbye Celebration” for Jadon and Sarah 6:30-8:30 at CBC with another Alpha Session

Cyrus Center Cooking Night

We are having a Cyrus Centre cooking evening next Friday, May 4th at 7:30 pm. Here are the ingredients that we need. Please let me know if you are able to help cook: