Hi everyone,
School is out and I’m sure that the kids have already said (at least once..) “I’m bored, what’s there to do”. If so, this would be a great time to teach a lawn mowing class, make your bed class or unload the dishwasher class. I remember those days so well, right?
This weekend Cheryl and I are away in the Okanagan just getting some rest and relaxation. Thank you for praying for us …..we look forward to being back with the ACC family next week. This Sunday Paulette Baker and the team will be leading us in music/worship. May the presence of God be so strong as we gather together as a church. This Sunday is also communion Sunday… a special time to gather and remember what Jesus Christ did for us on the cross; God’s incredible grace and love towards us!!
Pastor Kris Baker will be preaching this Sunday; Kris has literally spoken all over the world and he and his family are such a wonderful gift to our church. I know that he will have a timely, relevant and inspiring word for every single person. Maybe we should throw in a ‘language translator’ for him this Sunday. Most of the places he speaks, he always has a translator into the local language!!
Also, remember to sign your kids up for the Kidzone Summer Day camps that run over the next two weeks. Talk to Brittani for more information.We also have a lot of exciting youth events for the Middle School and Highschool students too. (thanks for praying for Jared -he’s maneuvering on his crutches a lot better!!)
Have a blessed time in church this Sunday,
Pastor Glenn and Cheryl
Don’t forget to put VBS on your calendars this summer at Brittani’s house July 10, 11, 12 and 17, 18, 19 1-3 pm. Learn about God through music and soccer.
Alpha @CBC Sunday nights at 6:30.
Upcoming Events:
July 11th Sports Day-free
July 20th Cultus Lake Waterslides- $22
July 25th Scavenger Hunt-free