Hi everyone,
It’s Labor Day..the last long weekend of the summer!!
I’m sure the parents are excited to get the kids back to school…routine is good, right?
I hope that you’ve had a great summer and that you are ready for the Fall season….pumpkin spice latte’s right?
This Sunday Andrew Potts and the team will be leading the music/singing. Again, I’m always so thankful for all of our musicians, sound and powerpoint techs..plus all of our ushers, greeters and coffee makers.
You are awesome and I appreciate the work/ministry that you do for the church….you rock!!
This Sunday Kris Baker will be speaking and sharing from the Word of God. Kris always hits the nail on the head and speaks right into our hearts. I’m looking forward to Sunday.
It’s also communion …as we remember the great love of Jesus displayed on the cross!
This Fall (starting on September 8th) I am starting a new vision series titled “The 5 Most Important Things We Do At Alderbrook Church..and Why”. Have I got your attention??
We are going to see what we do at Alderbrook Church, how we do it and why we do it….good questions to ask.
Some might be wondering if “food” is in the top 5 ??? All I can say is…..certainly!!
Enjoy the long weekend and we look forward to seeing you at Alderbrook this Sunday,
Pastor Glenn and Cheryl
Sermon Series
September 1st: Kris Baker
Important Events This Month
Water Baptism – If you’re interested in being baptized in water, fill out a connection card and place it in the offering.
Sound & PowerPoint Tech Dessert Night – If you are a part of the sound/powerpoint team (or would like to) you are invited to a Dessert Night on Wednesday Sept 18th at the Embree’s. Please rsvp to particpate@alderbrookchurch.co
Fall Souper Sunday – Our next Souper Sunday is coming up! It will be on September 22nd – so bring a food item to share and stick around after the service for some lunch!
Membership Class – If you are interested in becoming a member at ACC why not join us for the vision class on Tuesday, September 24th at 7pm. Use a Connection Card to sign up
CBC Music Team – On October 20th, the music team from CBC will be joining us to lead worship!
Sundays at Kidzone
Purple Room: Ages 0-1 Green Room: Ages 1-3 Yellow Room: Ages 4-7 Red Room: Ages 8-11
Kidzone Director: Cassidy
This Sunday in the Youth Room
Middle School students meet in the orange room – September 8th this month.
Youth Alpha
Sunday’s 5:30-7:30: Meet that the CBC Campus to learn about God, play some games, and eat some snacks.
Youth Activity
Youth Director: Jared
Youth Assistant: Ty
Youth Staff: Liam and Brendan.