Hi everyone,
I’m sure hoping that everyone is back into their fall routine!
Work, school, sweaters, pumpkin spice latte’s…and lots happening at church!!
This Sunday is Souper Sunday!! It’s always my favorite…not just because of the food. Well, I really enjoy the food!
However, I love the opportunity to stay a little longer after church and just connect with people over a meal.
We are also going to have a water baptismal right after church. This is always a highlight at ACC.
It is so exciting to see people follow Christ in the waters of baptism.
We will also be continuing our fall sermon series, ‘The Five (5) Most Important Things We Do at Alderbrook Church ..and Why”.
Yes, food is one of them, but we are going to talk about the ACC Lifegroups or Small Groups.
Have you ever wondered what the Bible has to say about small group discipleship and growing in God?
My prayer is that everyone would be attending a small group…”circles are better than rows” (I’ll explain that on Sunday).
Have a great day and we will see you at Souper Sunday,
Pastor Glenn and Cheryl
Sermon Series
September 22: Glenn Embree – Circles are Than Rows
Important Events This Month
Water Baptism – Our next water baptism will be this Sunday, September 22nd, following the service.
Souper Sunday – Our next Souper Sunday is THIS Sunday, the 22nd! So bring a main food item to share and stick around after the service for some lunch!
Membership Class – If you are interested in becoming a member at ACC why not join us for the vision class on Tuesday, September 24th at 7pm. Use a Connection Card to sign up
Fall Annual General Meeting – Sunday, October 6th right after church.
CBC Music Team – On October 20th, the music team from CBC will be joining us to lead worship!
Sundays at Kidzone
Green Room: Ages 1-3 Yellow Room: Ages 4-7 Red Room: Ages 8-11
Last Sunday in Kidzone, our kids were taught the story of Cain and Abel. They learned that it is important to do the right thing and if you do what is wrong then to ask for forgiveness, even if it may be difficult.
The verse is: If you do what is right, will you not be accepted? But if you do not do what is right, sin is crouching at your door; it desires to have you, but you must rule over it. Genesis 4:7
Kidzone staff meeting: Monday September 30th @ 7pm at the CBC Campus
Kidzone Director: Cassidy
This Sunday in the Youth Room
Middle School students meet in the orange room – September 22nd this month.
Youth Alpha
Sunday’s 5:30-7:30: Meet that the CBC Campus to learn about God, play some games, and eat some snacks.
Youth Activity
Fall Events:
Sept. 29th – BBQ and movie night at 5pm @ the Penners
Oct. – Escape rooms
Nov. – Bubble balls
Youth Director: Jared
Youth Assistant: Ty
Youth Staff: Liam and Brendan.