ACC @CBC November 2, 2014

Hi everyone,

Do you want to know a secret?

This Sunday is one of my favorites in the whole year!!

I love it when we turn the clocks back and I try and convince myself that getting a ‘potential’ extra hour of sleep is the best gift in the world. I usually start early and turn the clock back around 9pm…which then becomes 8pm. I get excited that maybe, I might be able to grab a full, uninterrupted, relaxing night of sleep!!

Who am I fooling??

I have teenagers in my house..and they bring teenagers…who bring other teenagers. Our house usually starts to crank up at 9pm. I can only wishfully hope as I turn my clock back….

This Sunday remember to turn your clock back….or we might put you to work with the set up crew when you arrive. Speaking of the set up crews…I want to thank everyone who participated in our Souper Sunday last week. The food was great and I want to thank everyone who assisted in getting it ready and cleaning up. You are awesome!!

Cal and Chrissy will be leading the music this Sunday and I want to conclude our series titled, ‘Relational Grace’. Have you enjoyed it? Has it been helpful? Do you know what to do when people ruffle (or pluck out) your feathers?

This Sunday the message is titled, Life Giving People. Do you know that people are either life giving people or can I suggest, life sucking people? There are some people that just suck life out of everything. The Bible tells us how we can be different. We have a higher calling and are called to individuals that bring life. This Sunday we will look at how we can be people that are ‘life givers’.

Again, remember to turn your clocks back. I didn’t say …turn off the alarm and miss church. Just grab an extra hour (if you don’t have any teenagers).

See you Sunday,

Pastor Glenn and Cheryl

ps Thank you so much for the gifts to Pastor Austin/Becca Toews and to Cheryl and I. We deeply appreciate your kindness. Also, thanks for the birthday cake….good thing we ran out of candles huh?






IMG_0439-0.JPGThe cranky. The obnoxious. The toxically negative. Who doesn’t have some of those people in our lives that are hard to get along with? They might be a neighbour, a co-worker…or even a family member ! The Bible has some incredible advice and wisdom for dealing with relationships that need lots of ‘relational grace’.

Oct 5th How to Handle Difficult People

Oct 19th Its Easier to Love My Dog

October 26th Dealing with People Who Ruffle My Feathers

Nov 2nd Life Giving People


*New Sermon Series: LIFE: Mysterious or Miraculous?

Ever felt that life is too mundane, too ordinary or simply average? Ever feel like there must be more to life? If you’re tired of shuffling, wondering or questioning in the shadows of life, this series is designed to challenge your o look at the miracles that God had given to us and wants us to share through us.

Nov 9th: Why Don’t Miracles Happen?

Nov 16th: A Firsthand Miracle

Nov 30th: Avoiding a Christmas Meltdown

Dec 7th Making Room for Miracles at Christmas

Kidzone Logo


In Kidzone we are in the near the end of our series called Treasure Seekers and taking a look at different characteristics of God.
This Sunday  is all about how God is merciful. “You are forgiving and good, O Lord, abounding in love to all who call to you.” Psalm 86:5
Mark your calendars for December 14th. That’s when our Kidzone Christmas production will be. Invite all of your family!

Outlet Youth Logo

Check out the fall youth calendar!
There is something for everyone! Grade 6 to grade 12. Every Sunday night we will have a youth event or activity!

Pizza and Prayer – This Sunday for all our high school students!  3557 Creekstone Dr. It is going to be a great night. 6-8pm.
Extreme Games Night – Next Sunday for all our middle school students. 6:30-8pm
