Hello everyone,
First of all, I want to thank everyone who took the time to call, email or text their thanks and appreciation for last Sunday at church. Wasn’t it a great time together and of being in the presence of God? In case you missed out, we looked at four of the seven churches (Revelation chapters 2-3) and looked at the application not just to our personal lives but our church. In fact, we ended with the question…what would God say to our church today? Again, it was such a wonderful close to our Sunday.
This Sunday, being the first Sunday of the month is Communion Sunday. It is a time that we can focus on the core of our faith…that Jesus Christ died for our sin and redeemed us back to God. It will be a great time to reflect, pray and re-commit our lives to Jesus.
We also want to pray for Kris Baker as he heads off to Africa on a missions trip. Does this guy ever slow down?!! I am so excited that we get to partner with all of our missionaries..the Bakers, the McLaurens, the Rathjens and the Potts (in Zambia). Please drop them an email or tell them that you are praying for them…they will be encouraged!! Also, remember that we still have room on the Mexico trip to Casa De Luz this summer. If you want more information please talk with Clay and Jeannine Lode.
This Sunday we want to continue our series, called…STAND. Its a sermon series about being bold and being courageous. This Sunday we are going to look at the topic, “Stand..and bring people to Jesus”. We not only have a responsibility, but an even greater privilege to bring people to Jesus. How are we going to do it? What is God asking us to do? What is God asking our church?
Come and find out this Sunday.
Finally, remember to mark your calendars for the three (3) Neighbourhood Prayer Walks (7-8pm) on Wednesdays in the summer. Mark your calendar now!
June 24th
July 15th
August 12th
See you this Sunday,
Pastor Glenn and Cheryl

This Sunday’s daily mission is ’say no to temptation’. Learning that we can pray to God for help in saying no to temptation and living in right ways! “Lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one.” Matthew 6:13