Growing together...
Life Groups come in many different chapes and sizes…and people attend them for various reasons. For some, small groups mean friendship – getting to know people on a casual level. For other, small groups mean education – learning together whether it be a Bible truth, raising kids, or improving marriage. For others, small groups mean an experience – discovering something fresh or unique in a group. It ocould mean friendship, education, or an experience; why not try a Life Group!
Alderbrook Church is… “committed to connecting people relationally in small groups (Life Groups) for the purpose of growing in God together. A Life Group is simply a small group of peole who want to experience the full life of Jesus Christ…together.”
Growing together...
Life Groups come in many different chapes and sizes…and people attend them for various reasons. For some, small groups mean friendship – getting to know people on a casual level. For other, small groups mean education – learning together whether it be a Bible truth, raising kids, or improving marriage. For others, small groups mean an experience – discovering something fresh or unique in a group. It ocould mean friendship, education, or an experience; why not try a Life Group!
Alderbrook Church is… “committed to connecting people relationally in small groups (Life Groups) for the purpose of growing in God together. A Life Group is simply a small group of peole who want to experience the full life of Jesus Christ…together.”
1. Women's Lifegroup
Leaders: Sarah Siebert, Maria Hutchison
Please contact Sarah Siebert ( or Maria Hutchison ( if you are interested or want more details.
2. Adult Lifegroup
Leaders: Kris and Paulette Baker
3. Adult Lifegroup
Leaders: Walt and Sarah Seibert
4. Young Adult Lifegroup
Leader: Dan Kelley
This group meets very two weeks (starting March 11th) on Fridays, meeting at the CBC chapel at 7:00pm. We’ll be studying the book of James and playing some board/card games.
Contact for more details.
5. Men's Lifegroup
Leaders: Glenn Embree