Weekly service information...
Hello everyone, How is your September going so far? I am progressing well with my hip surgery rehabilitation and hope to be back at church really soon. Thank you so much for your prayer support for…
Hello everyone, Did everyone survive the first week of school? Students? Parents? Teachers? This week Gregg will lead our worship/singing. Plus, Madeline and her Kidzone Team have some great lessons and activities planned. We are excited…
Hello everyone, It’s the final day of our ACC 12 Days of Summer. It’s PIZZA Sunday!! (by donation). Come and stay for a delicious lunch that you don’t have to prepare, or clean up!! This…
Hello everyone, It’s the 11th special day of our ACC 12 Days of Summer. Our summer is coming to a close. This week it’s Sandwich Sunday, so stay for lunch right after church and enjoy a…
Hello everyone, It’s the 10th special day of our ACC 12 Days of Summer. It’s DONUT Sunday!! (remember there are no calories on Sundays!!) This week Mireille will be leading the music along with our…
Hello everyone, It’s the 9th special day of our ACC 12 Days of Summer. It’s FREEZIE Sunday!! This week Gregg will be leading the music along with our awesome music team. It’s also Communion Sunday.…
Hello everyone, It’s the 8th special day of our ACC 12 Days of Summer. It’s Ice Cream Sunday!! This week Mireille will be leading the music along with our awesome music team. We also have a great…
Hello everyone, It’s the 7th special day of our ACC 12 Days of Summer. It’s Popcorn & Pop Sunday!! This week Gregg will be leading the music along with our awesome music team. We also have a…
Hello everyone, Enjoying the heat? It’s the 6th special day of our ACC 12 Days of Summer. It’s Waffle Sunday, so you can have breakfast at church this Sunday!! This week Gregg will be leading…
Hello everyone, We hope that you had a great week!! It’s already the month of July!! This week Mireille will be leading the music along with our awesome music team. We also have a great Sunday planned…
Hello everyone, IT’S HERE!! The 4th Sunday of the TWELVE DAYS OF SUMMER!! It’s our OUTDOOR SERVICE and BBQ, so come and enjoy a great lunch right after church!! Gregg will be leading the music…
Hello everyone, IT’S HERE! The 3rd Sunday of the TWELVE DAYS OF SUMMER!! It’s Pasta Sunday, so come and enjoy a great lunch right after church!! Mireille will be leading the music along with our…
Hello everyone, IT’S HERE! The second Sunday of the TWELVE DAYS OF SUMMER!! We want to celebrate the Dad’s and all of the guys at Alderbrook Church. It’s Root Beer Float Sunday!! This week my good friend,…
Hello everyone, IT’S HERE! THE TWELVE DAYS OF SUMMER!!This week Gregg will be leading the music along with our awesome music team. We also have a great Sunday planned with our Kidzone classes and Youth activities, and we are celebrating…
Hello everyone, We hope that you had a great week!! It’s already the month of June!!This week Mireille will be leading the music along with our awesome music team. We also have a great Sunday planned with…
Hello everyone, We hope that you had a great week!!This week Gregg will be leading the music along with our awesome music team. We also have a great Sunday planned with our Kidzone classes and Youth activities. We…
Hello everyone, Reminder: This Sunday May 19th will be Zoom church only (due to the CBC chapel being booked). It doesn’t happen that often, but due to a large rental group on the CBC Campus, we will be…
Hello everyone, It’s Mothers Day this Sunday at Alderbrook, so we want to honour all of the women at Alderbrook. You are the absolute best!! This week Mireille will be leading the music along with…