Hi everyone,
Well, we made it through “April showers” ..and I am so ready for the “May flowers” (or playoff hockey as we say in our home!!)
Just as March and April’s rain came in with a vengeance…we are going to do the same to kick off the month of May at Alderbrook Church. You will not want to miss this Sunday!! It’s action packed!!
Let me list what’s happening….
1. Souper Sunday (stay for a meal after church)
2. Pray for the Fiji Building Team (yup, two have gone and five more heading out)
3. Communion (a time to remember Christ’s death/sacrifice)
4. Honor the Huismans for 50 years of marriage..wow!! (there will be cake..yayy!!)
5. Brand new sermon series called “Modern Family” (biblical principles to help family living)
Its going to be a great Sunday at Alderbrook along with great worship, community time around Coffee 4:59 and hearing from God together.
We will see you Sunday.
Pastor Glenn and Cheryl
*New Sermon Series:
Modern Family: Ten Values That Build Strong Families
To some people the 10 Commandments seem archaic, negative and a little hard to understand. However, God intended them to help us build strong faith-filled families…Join us over these ten weeks as we look at what God’s Word says to the family.
May 7 The Foundation for a Strong Family
May 21 Accept No Substitutes
May 28 Taking God Seriously
June 4 God’s Word to Workaholics
June 18 Honoring My Parents
June 25 Let There Be Life
July 2 Affair-Proofing Your Marriage
July 9 Prospering With Integrity
July 16 Telling the Truth
July 23 Learning to Be Content
Youth meets Sunday evenings from 7:00-9:00, at CBC classroom 109. Join us to sweat, sing, study and snack!
May 7 – BIG EVENT: Lazer Tag! $5 per person. Meet & Pickup from CBC at 7 & 9pm, Drivers needed – talk to Jadon 🙂
Join us Sunday mornings during the preaching hour in the “orange room” as Andrew & Scott go through the “The Bee Squad” series.