Hi everyone,
We hope that you had a wonderful Easter weekend.
It was so great to be at church together and to proclaim that ‘Jesus is Risen’!
Can I encourage you with something?
Let’s remember (for the believer in Christ) every day is a ‘Resurrection celebration’.
Let’s not leave this significant and important event to just one day and then pack it away with the Easter decorations.
Christ is Risen…He is Risen!!
This Sunday Andrew will be leading the singing and music. Again, let’s remember that every Sunday is resurrection Sunday and to thank Jesus for being raised from the dead and conquering sin and death.
We will be continuing our series titled, MIRACLES as we look at the the story of Nicodemus (John chapter 3) and the title, ‘Too Legit to Quit “.
Do you know that the greatest miracle of all is salvation? When Christ offers you and me freedom from our sin, paying the penalty of our wrong and then promising us eternal life…and it’s all free to us!! It doesn’t get better than that!!
It’s going to be another great Sunday…our Easter has passed but it’s still ‘resurrection Sunday’.
See you on Sunday,
Pastor Glenn and Cheryl
Sermon Series
April 28: “Too Legit To Quit.”
Important Events This Month
Water Baptism – If you’re interested in being baptized by water, fill out a connection card and place it in the offering.
Sundays at Kidzone
Purple Room: Ages 0-1 Green Room: Ages 1-3 Yellow Room: Ages 4-7 Red Room: Ages 8-11
Kids Zone Director: Cassidy
This Sunday in the Youth Room
Remember that the ACC Outlet Youth Room is open every Sunday before and after church. Come hang out!
Middle School students meet in the orange room – April 28th this month.
Youth Alpha
Sunday’s 5:30-7:30: Meet that the CBC Campus to learn about God, play some games, and eat some snacks.
Youth Activity
May 12: Bake Sale after service – fundraiser for History Maker
May 24-26: History Maker – all weekend
Youth Director: Jared
Youth Staff: Ty, Liam, and Brendan.