Hi everyone,
I hope that you had a great Thanksgiving!!
I know that we can’t “add” more holidays to the calendar, but wouldn’t it be great to celebrate Thanksgiving once a month?
Yes, a steady diet of turkey and pumpkin pie could be a little much….but I’m also thinking that a monthly reminder to be ‘thankful and grateful’ could also go a long way!!
This Sunday we are excited to have the Columbia Bible College Travel Music Team with us at Alderbrook.
We are so privileged to be able to use space at CBC and also to be a part of the exciting things that happen at the college.
The CBC Music Team will be leading our singing/worship time!
We are also going to start a brand new series called, “Free To Be Me”. Too often we struggle with our identity in life. Have you ever stopped to consider what God’s design and purpose is for your life? What is His plan for each one of us?
This Sunday we will be looking at Genesis chapter 37 and “Getting Back What You’ve Lost”.
Finally, thank you (again) for the generosity of non perishable food items that you donated over the past few weeks.
We have so much to be thankful for, right?
Anyone for more turkey or pumpkin pie?
See you on Sunday,
Pastor Glenn and Cheryl
Sermon Series
October 20: Glenn Embree FREE TO BE ME
pt. 1 Getting Back What You’ve Lost
Important Events This Month
Water Baptism – If you’re interested in being baptised in water, fill out a connection card!
Cyrus Centre Cooking – This Friday, Oct 25th at 7 pm. Please let Sarah Sibert know if you are able to come or to donate food items. Here is the link to the food that is needed: http://www.luckypotluck.com/potluck/CyrusCentreOct25 The November date is Friday Nov 22nd.
Daylight Savings – Remember that on Sunday Nov 3rd we ‘fall back’ and turn the clocks back one hour. Strong coffee will be served for those who forget to grab an extra hour of sleep!!
Sundays at Kidzone
Green Room: Ages 1-3 Yellow Room: Ages 4-7 Red Room: Ages 8-11
Last Sunday in Kidzone was the third week in the Story of Noah curriculum. The focus was about how God keeps his promises. Your child learned about how the rainbow represents the promise that God made to Noah and what that means for us today.
The verse is:
“Never again will I curse the ground because of humans, even though every inclination of the human heart is evil from childhood. And never again will I destroy all living creatures, as I have done.” Genesis 8:21b
Kidzone Director: Cassidy
This Sunday in the Youth Room
Middle School students meet in the orange room – October 27th this month.
Youth Alpha
Sunday’s 5:30-7:30: Meet that the CBC Campus to learn about God, play some games, and eat some snacks.
Youth Activity
Fall Events:
Oct. – Escape rooms
Nov. – Bubble balls
BLACK FRIDAY flash sale for Historymaker Weekend BRIGHTER registration tickets on November 29th. Historymaker 2020 will be on Vancouver Island + the Lower Mainland. Details will be released on BLACK FRIDAY (November 29, 2019)
Youth Director: Jared
Youth Assistant: Ty
Youth Staff: Liam and Brendan.