Hello everyone,
Didn’t the summer student interns do a phenomenal job last Sunday?
Rebecca, Brett, Tyrone and Jared…we appreciate what God placed on your hearts!!
This Sunday Kris Baker will be sharing on a very important topic of ‘racism’ with a message titled, “One Blood”.
Why not read through Acts 17:26-27 and Revelation 5:9-10.
It’s also Lemonade Sunday…everyone gets a cool summer beverage!!

Again, this Sunday we are offering two services, the first one will be from 9:30am–10:30am and the second service will be from 11am–12 noon.
Due to the limit of 50 people in the building, everyone will be required to sign up online.
Kidzone and Middle school youth will be offered at the 9:30am service only.
We will also continue to offer Sunday Zoom services online.
**Click on the following link to sign up if you are attending one of the Sunday services at CBC.
Click on the following link for the Zoom access to attend one of the two services online.
9:30am Zoom Service:
11am Zoom Service:
We look forward to seeing you this weekend. Enjoy the great weather!!
Pastor Glenn and Cheryl
Sermon Series
August 23rd: Kris Baker – One Blood

Important Events This Summer
August Birthdays:
6th Elisha Kirk, 14th Aaron Strafford, 14th Anaya Mondhe, 14th Evelyn Whitta, 15th Mick McNulty, 18th Shaymus Penner, 19th Jean Wallace, 26th Katelyn Thompson, 28th Russell McMaster, 28th Shane Toy, 29th Christian Thompson
August Anniversaries:
9th Erling and Martha Lassesen, 13th Walt and Sarah Siebert, 14th Kris and Paulette Baker

Sundays at Kidzone:
Please note that at this time, Kidzone is only offered during the 9:30am service 🙂
The last VBS day this Summer is next Wednesday (26th) from 9:30-11:30am at CBC!
For questions/more information and sign-up, email Rebecca at acckidzone@gmail.com
Kidzone Director: Rebecca

This Sunday in the Youth Room:
Middle School students can meet in the orange room during the 9:30am service on the following Sundays in August: 30th
Weekly Youth:
Meet us Tuesday’s at CBC from 6-8pm for youth group!
**Any questions can be directed to Jared or Ty**
Youth Activity:
Join us this Thursday night (Aug. 20th), at 6:30pm for Bowling at Castle Fun Park!

**Any questions can be directed to Jared or Ty**
Youth Director: Jared
Youth Assistant: Ty
Youth Staff: Liam and Brendan.