Hello everyone,
We hope that you are having a great week!!
Wasn’t it a great Easter church service last Sunday? I want to thank all of those that participated and were involved in sharing the special message of our risen Saviour and the story of Easter!
A big shout out to our Kidzone, Youth Staff and CBC students for delivering the Easter bags!!
This Sunday we start a brand new series called ‘RESET’…most people are looking for a ‘new normal’ once the pandemic and restriction cease. Will we ever get back to the way things were? Are we supposed to go back to how we’ve always done things? Do we need a ‘new normal’ or should we be looking at a ‘renewed normal’?
April 11th RESET…when you’re too busy
April 18th RESET…when you’re feeling discouraged
April 25th RESET…when you’re misunderstood
May 2nd RESET…when you’re tempted
May 9th Mothers Day with Cheryl Embree
May 16th RESET…when you’re lonely
May 23rd RESET …when you’re feeling sad
The latest news and order from our BC Government and BC Health Organization is not allowing in-house gatherings for churches. Due to the present restrictions on gathering at the church we will be offering one (1) Sunday Zoom service that will start at 10 am.
Click on the following link to attend the 10am Sunday Zoom Service
Remember the Kidzone happens on Zoom every Sunday from 9:30am-9:45am
See you this Sunday on Zoom.
Pastor Glenn and Cheryl
Sermon Series
April 11th: RESET –When You’re Too Busy by Glenn Embree

Important Events
April Birthdays:
1st Amanda Koop, Jane Valcourt, Isaac McMaster & Elizabeth Fox, 10th Isaiah Street, 16th LeShawn Berg & Nicole Hamm, 24th David Rathjen & Cary Chernoff, 27th Nancy Barr, 28th Justin Boudreau & Kristen Baker, 29th Brad Hutchison, 30th Jared Embree
April Anniversaries:
6th Don and Janice Berg, 28th Brittani and Everett Johnson, 28th Phil and Jessica Whitta

Kidzone Director: Cassidy
Kids can log on to the church zoom service at 9:30 to enjoy a short lesson with Cassidy before the main service begins at 10:00

Youth will be meeting virtually on Wednesday nights at 6:30 through the “Discord” app during this time
**Any questions can be directed to Jared or Ty**
Youth Director: Jared
Youth Assistant: Ty
Youth Staff: Liam and Brendan