Hello everyone,
The number of COVID-19 cases is plummeting this week (praise the Lord) and the number of people getting vaccinated is steadily rising …which are really positive signs in getting closer to getting back to normal; But other than that, all we know is that it’s Fathers Day this weekend at Alderbrook ….and we are going to celebrate all of the awesome guys this Sunday at church!!
We are daily watching the updates from the provincial government regarding the church gatherings…..we will keep you immediately updated if anything changes quickly.
This Sunday we are again offering two services (9:30am and 11am) at the CBC Chapel and one on Zoom (*9:30am only). Kidzone will be offered in the first service along with the Middle School youth class. make sure you register early so that there is a spot for you.
To sign up for Sunday Services, click here:
To attend the 9:30am service this Sunday via Zoom, click here:
Come and join us this Sunday as we celebrate all of the awesome guys at Alderbrook!!
June 20th Fathers Day at ACC [ The Eleven Special Sunday’s Start!! It’s Root Beer/Chocolates this Sunday]
June 27th COMEBACK Sermon Series …to God’s provision – [Ice Cream Sandwiches]
We are also planning our exciting and fun-filled activities for the kids and the youth this summer. Click on the link below on how to register your kids for these summer events.
See you this Sunday.
Pastor Glenn and Cheryl
Sermon Series
June 20th: Father’s Day at ACC!!

Important Events
June Birthdays:
5th Danny Starrett, 9th Nate Street, 13th Derek Embree, 14th Gera Gottgetreu, 15th Ty Baker, 18th Jenn Street, 23rd Paulette Baker, 28th Cole Siebert and Parisa Berg
June Anniversaries:
5th Aaron and Mireille Strafford, 6th Cary and Marla Chernoff, 6th Nathan and Cynthia Chernoff, 17th David and Jean Wallace, 29th Gord and Sue Peterson

Kidzone Director: Cassidy
Kidzone will be taking place during the first church service at 9:30am
Vacation Bible School 2021:

To register your child for Vacation Bible School, please click on the following link:
***If you have any concerns or questions about registration please contact Cassidy at 778-344-4921 or acckidzone@gmail.com***

There will also be (4) extra-special kids summer events throughout July and August including a movie night, a scavenger hunt, and more!
To register your child for the special summer events, please click on the following link:
***If you have any concerns or questions about registration please contact Cassidy at 778-344-4921 or acckidzone@gmail.com***

Youth meets Wednesday nights from 6:30-8:30 at Columbia Bible College
Youth Director: Jared
Youth Assistant: Ty
Youth Staff: Liam and Brendan