Hello everyone,
We are moving back to offering two (2) Sunday morning services at the CBC Chapel.
Have you signed up for the 9:30am or 11am Alderbrook Church service? (space is filling up fast)
The BC Government and the BC Ministry of Health has allowed indoor church gatherings (up to 50 people) with a COVID-19 Safety Plan in place.
As a church Leadership Team we recognize that some people would like the opportunity to gather together (within the prescribed BC Ministry of Health guidelines), while there are others that feel more comfortable to continue to attend church online through Zoom.
9:30am First Sunday service (*Kidzone will be offered during the 1st Service)
We will be offering Zoom access for those who want to attend the 9:30am Sunday Zoom Service:
11am Second Sunday service at CBC
This Sunday we are continuing our series called ‘THE COMEBACK’…..
June 6th COMEBACK…from the fears of life (plus it’s Communion Sunday)
See you this Sunday.
Pastor Glenn and Cheryl
PS: Have you checked out the Kidzone Daycamps/VBS that are being offered this summer?

To register your child for VBS, click on the following link:
We have also planned four (4) extra-special kids summer events throughout July and August including a movie night, a scavenger hunt, and more!

To register your child for the special summer events, please click on the following link: