Hello everyone,
The great summer weather just keeps on coming!!
Have you checked out all of the exciting kids and youth activities that are happening at ACC this summer? Why not visit the Alderbrook website?
This Sunday is “Samosa Sunday”; come and enjoy some great food at Alderbrook.
Mireille will be leading the music and all of our Kidzone classes and Youth activities with Cassidy, Tyrone, Trinity, Brendan and Kristen are happening on Sunday.
This Sunday we are continuing a new summer series called “Relationship Refresh”. Relationships are so important to each one of us, yet we often struggle don’t we? How do we apply God’s Word to the relationships in our everyday lives?
July 23rd People Are Worth It
In case you can’t make it out to church, why not join us through the Zoom login.
Pastor Glenn and Cheryl
Important Events
July Birthdays:
- Hudson Siebert
- Carter Siebert
- Jaelyn Strafford
- Levi Koop
- Anthony Johnson
- Lauren Siebert
- Cheryl Embree
- Aaron Koop
- Cynthia Chernoff
- Trixie Johnson
- Dan Penner
July Anniversaries:
- John and Jane Valcourt
- Dennis and Michelle Vogt

Kidzone starts at 10:30am and is for those in Kindergarten to Grade 5!
Kidzone Director: Cassidy Hutchison

If you’re a middle school or high school student, feel free to come before (9:30am) and after (12pm) service to hang out in the youth room!
We also meet Sunday Evenings from 6:30pm-8:30pm at the CBC Chapel, we would love for you to come and be a part of the lesson. Everyone from grades 6-12 is welcome.
Youth Director: Tyrone Baker