Hello everyone,
Wasn’t that a great Sunday with the Alderbrook Mexico team that will be heading to Primo Tapia in February?
The lunch was spectacular and the Silent Auction was fun….thank you to everyone for participating.
This Sunday we are starting a short series titled, ‘Experience Victory’. Many people live under the weight and guilt of sin and mistake, but God wants to show us how to walk in his forgiveness to experience victory.
Nov 12 Our Guilt and God’s Love/ Communion Sunday
Nov 19th Guest speaker: Dr. Dave Currie (doingfamilyright.com)
Nov 26th Our Future and God’s faithfulness / Souper Sunday
In case you can’t make it out to church, why not join us through the Zoom login.
Pastor Glenn and Cheryl
Important Events
November Birthdays:
- Bella Berg
- Zion Mondhe
- Liz Erickson
- Mireille Strafford
- Liam Penner
- Gord Petersen
- Wayne Koop
- Dimitri Berg
- Livinia Chernoff
- Madeline Moore

Kidzone starts at 10:30am and is for those in Kindergarten to Grade 5!
Kidzone Director: Cassidy Hutchison

If you’re a middle school or high school student, feel free to come before (9:30am) and after (12pm) service to hang out in the youth room!
We also meet Sunday Evenings from 6:30pm-8:30pm at the CBC Chapel, we would love for you to come and be a part of the lesson. Everyone from grades 6-12 is welcome.
Youth Director: Tyrone Baker