Sunday, October 11 || Alderbrook Church

Hello everyone,

Happy Thanksgiving!! 

It’s Thanksgiving weekend and we are going to be sharing the incredible story, testimony and faith walk that’s happened to Alderbrook Church since March 2020 (the start of COVID restrictions). God has blessed our church and I believe it’s because you as a church have trusted God and put him first. You will be inspired by the stories and events of God’s faithfulness!! We will also be having communion together! (both in the chapel and on Zoom).
Will you sign up for our church services at the CBC chapel (all October Sundays are available):

Please sign up early, so that we know how many services to offer to accommodate everyone.***We don’t want to turn anyone away from church because you forgot to sign up. Due to the limit of 50 people in the building, everyone will be required to sign up online.
Kidzone (weekly) and Middle school youth (Oct 11th and 25th) will be offered at the 9:30am service only.
Click on the following link to attend the 9:30am Sunday Zoom service:
Click on the following link to attend the 11am Sunday Zoom service:

Upcoming Special Event: 

Instead of children going from house to house on October 31st…especially during the pandemic restrictions, we are inviting families to come to the CBC Parking Lot from 6pm-7pm.

How does it work?

Rather than going door to door, kids come to CBC all dressed up and go from “car to car” collecting candy from each car trunk.

How can I get involved?

We are looking for adults/families that will bring their car (and candy for your trunk). We encourage people to ‘dress up or theme’ their car/trunk (check out Pinterest for idea’s ) and to provide a good supply of candy. All candy must be individually packaged, and factory wrapped.

Who can attend the Alderbrook Trunk or Treat?

This isn’t an ‘open or drop in’ event. People won’t be admitted by simply walking by CBC. Like our ACC church services …. families must pre-register online. We also encourage ACC families to invite a neighbour family to come with them and enjoy a safe, fun, and exciting Trunk or Treat.
Click on the following link to sign up for Trunk or Treat:

We look forward to seeing you this Sunday at the chapel or on Zoom this Sunday.
Pastor Glenn and Cheryl

Sermon Series

October 11th: Thanksgiving Sunday

Important Events This Summer

October Birthdays:

4th Gregg Embree, 9th John Valcourt, 9th Sofia Street, 13th Phil Whitta, 14th Ruth Redekop, 22nd Carter Koop, 23rd Rylan Lode, 24th Lois Starrett, 27th Glenn Embree, 30th Brendan Hamm 

September Anniversaries:

12th Glenn and Cheryl Embree, 25th Danny and Lois Starrett  

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Sundays at Kidzone:

Please note that at this time, Kidzone is only offered during the 9:30am service 🙂

The lesson from this past week was the fourth lesson in the Bad Guys Of the Bible curriculum. The topic of the lesson was about Jezebel and how she was a bad influence on her husband. We need to make sure that we surround ourselves with good friends who will hold us accountable and not influence us to do bad things.

The verse for this week is: “Many sorrows come to the wicked, but unfailing love surrounds those who trust in the Lord.” Psalm 32:10

Kidzone Director: Cassidy

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This Sunday in the Youth Room:

Middle School students can meet in the orange room during the 9:30am service on the following Sundays in October: 11th & 25th

Weekly Youth:

Meet us Tuesday’s at CBC from 6-8pm for youth group!

**Any questions can be directed to Jared or Ty**

Youth Activity:

**Any questions can be directed to Jared or Ty**

Youth Director: Jared

Youth Assistant: Ty

Youth Staff: Liam and Brendan.