ACC @ CBC April 27, 2014

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Hello everyone,

Wasn’t Easter a fabulous weekend at Alderbrook Church?
It was such an incredible day…and the weather cooperated for the Chocolate Egg Hunt and the water baptism.
First do all, let me thank Austin, Becca and the greatest Kidzone leaders in all the world for putting on a Chocolate Egg Hunt. I also want to thank our teachers for  what you do every week in teaching our children about the incredible truths and love of God. I believe that this will stick with them, not just over their lifetime…but also for eternity. So, just remember that what you do on a Sunday morning is timeless!!
We also want to congratulate the five people that were baptized in water as they shared their public confession of faith in a Jesus Christ….Stefan, Matt, Brody, Gwen and Mike. We are so proud of you and excited that you took this significant step of faith. It was such an incredible Easter at Alderbrook.
Do you know that Easter doesn’t have to end?
Can you imagine that the reason that Jesus went to the cross was that we could have an Easter service to celebrate…and then go back to common, boring living the rest of the year?? Absolutely not !! In fact, on Tuesday morning, the guys that meet for prayer at 5:30am ( anyone is welcome) were praying that ACC will experience the reality of Easter Sunday every week. I recognize that we can’t live on the mountain-top experience every single day….yet the power of the empty tomb is available 365 days a year. Let’s get ready for Sunday !!
This Sunday we finish off the series ( that started a long time ago ) called ” There’s An App For That” with a message titled, Making the Right Choices App’ . In fact, a good choice is to get out of bed this Sunday and head off to church to meet we the community of believers at Alderbrook.
Because…Jesus is Risen…( even after we celebrate Easter)
Pastor Glenn and Cheryl

**Sermon Series: There’s an App For That

People love Apps! In fact, it seems like there is an app for everything. Over the past few years, over 1 million apps have been developed…Im sure that some of you have that many! Is there an app to grow closer to God? Come and join us as we look at what the Bible has to say about growing closer to God. There might just  be an app for that!!
 April 27th Making Right Choices App

* Kidszone

In Kidzone we are starting a new series about finding Jesus in the stories of Moses. This Sunday the kids will learn about ultimate courage and how God gave Moses’ family courage to do the right thing. We can trust Jesus for courage to do the right thing, too! “When I am afraid, I will trust in you.” Psalm 56:3
Let’s pray that our kids will find courage in Jesus.

*Outlet Youth

Outlet Youth

Extreme Game Night: Sunday April 27th 6:00-8:00PM at Creekside Centre