Hello everyone,
Can you believe it…its already December 1st this weekend!!
We had a awesome weekend last Sunday at Alderbrook…what a great Souper Sunday. Thank you to everyone who brought soups, hot dishes, buns and desserts…what a feast! It was also so neat to see people connecting around the tables and meeting new people. We don`t have Souper Sunday just to show off our culinary skills (mine being quite limited!), but to get to know each other better. Thanks church…I am so proud of you.
This Sunday, as I mentioned is the first of December, and is also the first Sunday of Advent. Christmas is such a special time around Alderbrook isn`t it. It must either be all the children we have at church, or your pastor who really loves the Christmas holuidays…who knows. Christmas is the most wonderful time of the year. Isn`t that how the song goes…yeah right!! For lots of people Christmas is also the most stressful, busy, hectic and sometimes depressing time of the year. I`m not suggesting banning Christmas, but rather seeing Christmas for what it really is. May I suggest a `Simple Christmas“. This Sunday we start a new series called `Wishing You A Simple Christmas“…its going to great, its going to be helpful and its going to be biblical.
Would you also mark your calendars for two special events coming up very soon. First of all we are having a `Kidzone Christmas` on Sunday Dec 22nd complete with a Waffle breakfast. Why not invite someone out to see and hear the kids perform. Then on Tuesday December 24th (5-6m) we have our Christmas Eve Candlelight Service, which is always a highlight at ACC. I`m sure that some of your family or neighbor friends would love to come and experience Christmas with us.
Enjoy your week. See you Sunday!
Pastor Glenn and Cheryl
* Sermon: “Wishing You a Simple Christmas”
Christmas is the most wonderful time of the year! Isn`t that how the song goes??…yeah right! Christmas is also the most stressful, busy, hectic and sometimes intense time of the year. We`re not suggesting that banning Christmas is a good idea, but rather seeing Christmas for what it really is…and more importantly, for what it can become. …we wish you a simple Christmas!
* Kids Zone Updates
*Outlet youth:
December 8th – Outlet Christmas Party! 6:00-8:00PM at the Ward’s. Come wearing your ugliest Christmas sweater for a prize!
*A Kidzone Christmas and…. Waffle Breakfast at 9am, December 22!
If Christmas is for children…you will enjoy “A Kidzone Christmas“. The kids of Alderbrook will be telling the Christmas story through music and song…you never know what to expect. But then again, did people really know what to expect when Jesus was born in Bethlehem? You will not want to miss this performance by the ACC kids…or breakfast!!