Hello everyone,
I am looking forward to Sunday as we gather together again. Gregg will be leading the singing and worship and its also Missions Sunday. Someone said to me a few weeks ago…shouldn`t it be missions Sunday at Alderbrook every Sunday…..I like their thinking and couldn’t agree more. This Sunday we want to highlight a great ministry and outreach in our city called the Cyrus Centre. It is our privilege to have Les Talvio with us sharing about the incredible ministry to broken and needy teenagers in our city. At Alderbrook we cook meals once a month for the Cyrus Centre…and on Friday Nov 22nd at Sieberts at 7:30pm you are welcome to participate!
This Sunday I will be continuing our series called “My Story…Living the Story You Want To Tell“. I know that last week got a little graphic huh…if you were away just read through Genesis 38 and you`ll find out why…but what a reminder that God can take any situation (no matter how raunchy) and bring His story of mercy and grace. This Sunday we continue the series with a message called, “When your story takes a turn`. Its easy to tell your story when everything in life is going well, but what happens when life takes a turn.
Just remember that Heather Ryan will have some great baking available (that is going to missions); we ran out last week because it was so good…and ACC loves food and missions.
Also we will be receiving a second offering to support our six missionaries in their outreach: the Kotyks, McLaurens, Rathjens, Sawatsky`s, Potts and Bakers. We are so privileged to have these six couples connected to ACC. Remember Kris and Paulette as they will be returning from Sri Lanka this week.
See you on Sunday.
Pastor Glenn and Cheryl
ps remember that Sunday Nov 24th is Souper Sunday!!
MY Story: Living The Story You Want To Tell
* Kids Zone Updates
*Outlet youth:
Come out for a fun night and bring a friend!
December 8th – Outlet Christmas Party! 6:00-8:00PM at the Ward’s