ACC @ CBC March 30, 2014

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Did you enjoy Spring Break? Are you ready to send the kids back to school?
Cheryl, Jared and I are in Dallas, Texas this week speeding some time with my youngest brother and his family. This Sunday I will be speaking at his church…really looking forward to it!!
This Sunday at Alderbrook we are excited to have Frank Sawatsky lead our singing/worship time. I appreciate Franks heart and his desire to lead people closer to God…..why not come ready and prepared to come into the presence of God along with your family and friends?
I am excited that David McLauren will be speaking this Sunday. David has an incredible heart for people and discipling them into a deeper relationship with God. David speaks great truth with tremendous passion…make sure that you don’t miss this Sunday.
Would you mark your calendar for Sunday April 6th. We are excited to have Kamal Dhillon with us, as she shares her incredible story and testimony about how God protected her from years of abuse and pain. You will want to invite your family and friends out to hear this incredible story of transformation, hope and healing.
Finally, would you pray for our Fiji Missions Team as they continue to construct a church building there in the Fiji Islands…pray for David and Phyllis, Dan and Levi….I am so excited for what I the team is doing!!
Enjoy this Sunday….we will be praying !!
Pastor Glenn and Cheryl

**New Sermon Series: There’s an App For That

People love Apps! In fact, it seems like there is an app for everything. Over the past few years, over 1 million apps have been developed…Im sure that some of you have that many! Is there an app to grow closer to God? Come and join us as we look at what the Bible has to say about growing closer to God. There might just  be an app for that!!
 April 13th Making Right Choices App

* Kidszone

We are continuing to teach the different choices that shape a kid’s life. This week the kids will be learning about the choice to praise God.
Psalm 92:5 says, “You make me glad by your deeds, O Lord; I sing for joy at the works of your hands.”
Easter is on its way! What are some Easter traditions that your family has? At Alderbrook, on Easter Sunday, we are going to have a Easter Egg Hunt for all the kids. They won’t want to miss it! This is a great opportunity to invite a family that you know our to Church.
If you are able to donate chocolate eggs for the hunt please contact Pastor Austin
We are looking for people help out with in the children’s and youth ministry this summer. Talk to Pastor Austin or fill out a communication card if you would like to help out.

*Outlet Youth

Outlet Youth

Extreme Games Night: Sunday March 30th 6:00-8:00PM at Creekside Centre. Bring a friend or two!