Hello everyone,
” Sunday Morning…take two!! “
Isn’t that what happens in making a movie when the first one doesn’t work???
I have no idea why the snow decided to come on the first weekend of March, but all I can say is that the groundhog has probably keeled over and died!!
This Sunday is ” SPRING FORWARD” which means that we lose an hour of sleep but gain some longer evenings. Make sure that you set your clock early so that you can arrive at church on time this week….’ Cause you would hate to miss another Sunday right??
This week we are going to have Souper Sunday….now isn’t that enough of an incentive to get the family in the mini van and head out to Alderbrook? If you signed up to bring food…thank you…and if you didn’t, make sure that you come…there is always enough!! Just a reminder for all the college students that you don’t have to bring anything …we just love having you!!
This Sunday Gregg and the team will be leading our singing and worship…let’s start this new Spring season with life , vibrancy and excitement. Spring is always a time of new and fresh beginnings and there is no better way to experience this than to worship God in song together.
I will also be starting a brand new series (again)..don’t you see ‘take two’ right?? It’s a series called ‘ There’s An App for That ‘ and this week we are going to start off with the title…Handling Stress App. We will be looking at what the Bible says about how to handle stress and anxiety…. Something one or two of us need to hear.
It’s going to be a great Sunday. I can’t promise you that it won’t snow (yet I’m praying hard) …but I can promise you that God is faithful and there will be a great community of believers at Alderbrook in church this Sunday.
See you …remember to Spring Ahead!!
Pastor Glenn and Cheryl
**New Sermon Series: There’s an App For That
People love Apps! In fact, it seems like there is an app for everything. Over the past few years, over 1 million apps have been developed…Im sure that some of you have that many! Is there an app to grow closer to God? Come and join us as we look at what the Bible has to say about growing closer to God. There might just be an app for that!!

March 9th What Do I Really Believe App?
March 23rd Handling Stress App
March 30th Dealing With Temptation App
April 6th Making Right Choices App
* Kidszone
We are continuing to teach the different choices that shape a kid’s life. This week the kids will be learning about the choice to live in peace.
Easter is only a month away! On Easter Sunday we are going to have a Easter Egg Hunt for all the kids. They won’t want to miss it!
We are looking for people help out with in the children’s and youth ministry this summer. Talk to Austin Toews or fill out a communication card if you would like to help out.
*Outlet Youth
In the Orange room we are doing a recap on our series all about making wise choices.
Spring Break Bash: Lets start spring break off on a with an awesome night. 6:00-8:00PM at Pastor Austin’s House ~ 514-3044 Clearbrook Road (Right beside CBC)
Bring your friends, it is going to be a great night!