Hello everyone,
This past Tuesday began very differently for the children and teachers that attend Alderbrook Church. Usually the start of school is a time of new beginnings, getting back to schedules and routines, but with the ongoing strike, this has been a very different September for many families. Would you be praying along with me for the families of students and teachers that are affected by the strike? May there be a swift, reasonable and fair agreement for everyone involved.
This Sunday we are excited for the opportunity to come to church and to worship together. I look forward to each Sunday when we can gather at CBC and sing, have coffee and hear from the word of God together…its a great time to get our focus on God. This Sunday Gregg and the team will be leading us in music and worship. Why not prepare yourself before coming to church? Listen to a new worship song, read an inspiring part of the Bible or why not invite someone to come to church with you?
This Sunday I want to bring a message titled, Great Advice For Good People. If you want a head start before Sunday why not read the account from the Bible in 1 Samuel chapter 28…its a crazy story but with timeless truth and some great advice for us today!!
We will also be praying for Dave and Phyllis Rathjen as they will be heading this week to the country of Romania. I love it when the church surrounds our missionaries before they head “out of the tunnel and onto the playing field” (oops there’s my football analogies coming up again!!). There has already been a large container sent to Romania with food/medical supplies and we will get to partner with the Rathjens…its a win-win for everyone!!
Would you mark your calendars for Sunday September 14th when we will have our Fall Kick Off. It’s going to be great. Right after church we will have the jumphouses ready, cotton candy machine, face painting and a delicious BBQ. Make sure you sign up on the clipboards during church this weekend…its going to be a great Sunday. We will also have the Baptismal Tank ready…if you would like to be baptized in water on September 14th why not fill out a Conection card in church this week?
See you in church this Sunday,
Pastor Glenn and Cheryl
times of trouble. He cares for those who trust in him.” Nahum 1:7