Its the last Sunday in August…what an incredible summer we had at ACC !!
Over the 13 weeks of summer we have done a lot of fun of fun, crazy and outrageous things. We’ve had Popcorn Day, Ice Cream Day, Carnival Day and Jersey Day…just to name a few.
There has been a whole lot of excitement…and I just wanted to thank our staff and our summer interns for the incredible job they have done.
We want to thank our staff for the great leadership you have given: Hanna and Joel and Allie…you guys have done a phenomenal job.
We also want to say a huge thank you to our summer interns…Kate Soeten, Gregg Embree, Marley Hutchison, Rebecca Siebert and Isabella Hamm. Each of you have been an incredible part of the team and you have done an amazing job at the church this summer. We have been blessed by your creativity, enthusiasm and love for our church in so many ways. Thank you so much!!
This Sunday is the 13th (and final) Day of Summer at ACC. Gregg will be leading the music and worship as we gather together as a community of faith. Lets remember that when we come to sing/worship each Sunday…we sing for an audience of One!! Jesus Christ is worthy of our praise!!
I will be finishing off our series called FOCUS with a message that is titled, ‘Focusing On Not Making Bad Decisions’…which the flip side is naturally….”making good decisions”. Its a story and teaching out of the Old Testament that is relevant and necessary to hear today. We will also hear how the Bevan Bible Blast went this week..I am excited to hear what God has done!!
After church this Sunday is our last and final 13th Day of Summer. We are heading over to Mill Lake Water Park right after church. Grab the kids, grab a picnic lunch and lets hang out together as a church family.
We hope to see you in church on Sunday,
Pastor Glenn and Cheryl
This week we had ACC’s first ‘Bevan Bible Blast,’ which was hosted at the Bevan Complex in Abbotsford. This consisted of some children from ACC as well as some kids who live at the Bevan complex. The VBS was a huge success, and a huge thank you to Joel and Hanna for putting it on!
Rebecca Siebert (Summer Intern)
This Sunday morning we will be meeting after coffee 4:59 outside to watch and discuss part 3 of the series, “Skate It Off.” This weeks episode is about integrity. Integrity is who you are when no-one is looking. Proverbs 10:9 says, “Whoever walks in integrity walks securely, but whoever takes crooked paths will be found out.”
This Saturday, August 27th we have our ALL NIGHTER! We will be meeting at 8pm at the Penner’s home. Come for games, snacks, movies, campfire and a complete lack of sleep!!! The address is 8904 Manzer Street, Mission(Silverdale). If you need a ride or directions please contact Joel and Hanna Soeten
We have our Lindeman Lake hike on Saturday, September 10th. We will be meeting at the church at 8am for an awesome day in Gods creation. Pack a lunch and plenty of water. If you are brave enough to go in the glacier water bring along a swim suit. We will be returning back to the church for 4 pm
Lindeman Lake is a small lake in Chilliwack Lake Provincial Park.
Located at the end of a 3.4 km trail, it is a popular hiking destination. Lindeman lake can be found by driving 40.5 km from Vedder Crossing along Chilliwack Lake road. It is a moderate hike so also wear appropriate footwear.
We will be in need of a couple people to drive as well as participate in the hike. If you are able to do this please contact Joel and Hanna at