Wow…do I ever feel appreciated!! As I go to the mailbox every day there are a number of cards and letters of thanks/appreciation written to Cheryl and me.
I am so humbled (and grateful) for such an awesome group of people called the Alderbrook Church family…people who not only love Jesus with all their heart, but truly love one another. ACC …you rock!!
This Sunday is going to be a great day at Alderbrook. It’s Souper Sunday which is probably the most favorite Sunday for all of us, right? I want to thank everyone (in advance) for the time that you take to make soup, chili, dessert or dinner rolls and for blessing the church. It is always such a great time to sit down after church and have a meal together…its my favorite!!
This Sunday we also want to finish our series that we have been looking at called SUIT UP. Its been a series that describes the spiritual warfare we are in and the battles that we face. Too often we minimize the attacks of the enemy and don’t maximize the available power that we have in God, through the Holy Spirit. This Sunday we want to share the final message of the series titled, The Shocking Truth About Halloween. As you all know me I don’t tend to go around bashing things…its just not my style. What we want to do is to look biblically at how we can respond, act and live as followers of Christ around the festivities that are called Halloween. This is a great message for everyone to hear.
Again, its Souper Sunday and we can hardly wait to see you at church.
Thank you again for your love to me and my family.
Pastor Glenn and Cheryl
Money is something that all of us need….but it’s hard, because there never seems to be enough. Do you know that God is interested in our finances; In fact, the Bible talks a lot about money and our finances.
Join us for this series as we …..Re-Think our Money.
November 6 How to Make It During Tough Financial Times
November 13 Money Talks
November 20 The Story of Money
November 27 Our Cash and God’s Supply
Kidzone is working hard on their Christmas play for December 11th. We will also be having our second ever date night for the parents on November 19th from 6-8:30pm, drive-in themed! We will be making cars out of cardboard boxes and watching a movie with snacks! The Green room is reading their way through the Bible, Yellow room is finishing their study on feeding the 5,000 and the Red room is also finishing a study on Paul!
Middle School
Last week we finished up our 4 part series on making wise choices called, “Day Off.” This Sunday we will be starting our new series called, “The Potentials.” Many of our youth may not realize the potential they have in this life. This 3 part series will help our youth to realize their potential and lead them to become everything that God intends them to be. Part 1 teaches us about how we all have talents and unique gifts that God has given us.
1 Peter 4:10 says,
God has given you a gift from his great variety of spiritual gifts. Use them well to serve one another.
High School
This Wednesday evening High School Students will be meeting at CBC from 7-8:30pm. We will be watching and discussing a new series called “Supernatural.” In part 1 of this series we will be talking about spiritual warfare and how we might experience attacks in our physical world. We will be helping our youth to understand what spiritual warfare is and help them to identify areas of attack in their own life.