Hi everyone,
How did the month of May get here so fast?
I’m sure that a lot of college students are asking the same question!!
In a few more weeks we will be having the public school students ask the same question, right?!?
This Sunday we want to continue our series on REVELATION: Breaking the Code. I hope that you’ve been enjoying it and learning tons. It has been a real privilege for me just to spend the time in study and preparation for each message… as I am reminded, “that Jesus is coming soon!!” This Sunday we are going to look at part 4 and the topic: What Does the Bible say about Israel (in the End Times).
It’s also Communion Sunday and Andrew and the team will be leading us in music/worship especially around the communion table. In fact, while I am writing this blog post I have been listening to a great song. Why not YouTube it? It’s called “O Come to The Altar” by Elevation Worship. I believe that Gregg has led it at Alderbrook.
Finally, I know a lot of people are wondering what’s happening with our Kidzone and Youth positions. Make sure you are at church this Sunday as we want to share what is happening over the summer with these two positions.
We look forward to seeing you on Sunday.
Pastor Glenn and Cheryl
PS Mark your calendars for Mothers Day on Sunday May 13th at Alderbrook Church. Pancake Breakfast starts at 9am; Flowers for all the women; Cheryl along with some of the ACC women will be sharing.
Don’t miss out…
Cyrus Center Cooking Night
We are having a Cyrus Centre cooking evening next Friday, May 11th at 7:30 pm. Here are the ingredients that we need. Please let me know if you are able to help cook: