Sunday, August 25 || Alderbrook Church

Hi everyone,

It’s the last Sunday of August!!
I’m sure everyone is asking and wondering how the summer flew by so fast!!
I hope that you were able to get away or at least spend some time relaxing this summer.

This Sunday is the final “Summer Special” event…it’s Pizza Sunday!!
No matter what age you are..everyone loves pizza. Just think, you don’t have to cook lunch or clean’s all done!
Again, I think that every Sunday should be pizza Sunday at Alderbrook Church.

This Sunday we also want to conclude our series, F.E.A.R NOT.
I hope that the messages have helped you understand and grasp how great God is and how he can help us navigate through our fear and anxieties.
This Sunday’s message is titled, ‘My Future and God’s Faithfulness”.

The coffee/bagels will be ready, the Kidzone and youth programs are on and we look forward to seeing you on Sunday.

Pastor Glenn and Cheryl


Sermon Series

August 25th: Glenn Embree – F.E.A.R. NOT – pt.5 My Future and God’s Faithfulness


Important Events This Month

Water Baptism – If you’re interested in being baptized in water, fill out a connection card and place it in the offering.


Fall Souper Sunday – Our next Souper Sunday is coming up! It will be on September 22nd – so bring a food item to share and stick around after the service for some lunch!

CBC Music Team – On October 20th, the music team from CBC will be joining us to lead worship!


Seven Sundays of Summer

Pizza Sunday – Aug. 25th @ ACC  

It’s always hard to come home after church and make lunch. It’s Pizza Sunday…no prep, no dishes… just some great pizza together at church!


Sundays at Kidzone

Purple Room: Ages 0-1   Green Room: Ages 1-3   Yellow Room: Ages 4-7 Red Room: Ages 8-11

Over the last few weeks in Kidzone, we’ve been studying the lessons on the days of creation. It has been amazing to see God’s creative power in creating everything in the world!

Kidzone Director: Cassidy


This Sunday in the Youth Room

Middle School students meet in the orange room – August 25th this month.

Youth Alpha

Sunday’s 5:30-7:30: Meet that the CBC Campus to learn about God, play some games, and eat some snacks.


Youth Activity

Summer Events:

Sun. Aug. 25th – Scavenger hunt at Highstreet, meet at the church @ 3pm


Youth Director: Jared

Youth Assistant: Ty

Youth Staff: Liam and Brendan.