Hello everyone,
We are looking forward to being together as a church family this Sunday, whether that be at the 9:30am or 11am services at the CBC Chapel…or joining in by Zoom. Remember that we are a church family and we are not defined by being in the same building at the same time. We are joined together by the fact that Jesus Christ redeemed us into a right relationship with God…amen??
Amen!! We are excited to have Cary Chernoff sharing at Alderbrook this Sunday. Cary and Marla are incredible in-laws to our daughter Cynthia (Nathan) and wonderful grandparents to Livinia. We are so blessed!! You will be blessed with the word that God has placed on Cary’s heart!
Will you also sign up for our church services at the CBC chapel (all November Sundays are available)
Please sign up early, so that we know how many services to offer to accommodate everyone. ***We don’t want to turn anyone away from church because you forgot to sign up. Due to the limit of 50 people in the building, everyone will be required to sign up online.
Kidzone (weekly) and Middle school youth (Nov 22nd) will be offered at the 9:30am service only.
Click on the following link to attend the 9:30am Sunday Zoom service: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81994208283?pwd=NSt4UUFpcU85M0EyYWNBUUZiUlo3QT09
Click on the following link to attend the 11am Sunday Zoom service: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81369641989?pwd=ZXFGTi9KTmM3ZDFIalhOREFmdk9Pdz09
Over the past four months since we re-opened the church building (June 2020) we have developed a safety plan that we have been following.
Alderbrook Church, being classified as a faith based organization by BCCDC and WCB will continue to abide by the recommendations and guidance of the Public Health Officer of British Columbia, as well as the guidelines of CBC (Columbia Bible College).
Presently Alderbrook Community Church has taken the necessary steps to initiate and implement ‘second level’ COVID -19 safety plans. These plans are based on four protocols recommended by WCB.
Those being:
1. Elimination; reducing the number of people in a building space and offering multiple services (up to 50),
2. Proper Spacing; maintain physical distancing by seating household/family bubbles together,
3. Facility Controls; cleaning and sanitizing of seating and equipment before all church services/events,
(and now)
4. PPE; use of masks, due to the increased infection rate seen in recent days together with the previously mentioned guidance from the PHO.
The Alderbrook Leadership team will follow the guidance from Dr. Bonnie Henry and strongly recommend the wearing of masks in attending a church service/function.
Thank you for your cooperation and understanding in following and keeping these safety measures as we gather together as a church.We look forward to seeing you this Sunday at the chapel or on Zoom this Sunday.
Pastor Glenn and Cheryl
Sermon Series
November 15th: Cary Chernoff
Important Events This Summer
November Birthdays:
1st Bella Berg, 2nd Zion Mondhe, 5th Jesse Thompson, 8th Nathaniel Boudreau, 13th Mireille Strafford, 16th Liam Penner, 16th Gord Petersen, 17th Wayne Koop, 17th Barbara Reynolds, 24th Dimitri Berg, 26th Livinia Chernoff, 30th Madeline Moore
November Anniversaries:
17th Erin and Jordan Fox
Sundays at Kidzone:
Please note that at this time, Kidzone is only offered during the 9:30am service 🙂
Kidzone Director: Cassidy
This Sunday in the Youth Room:
Middle School students can meet in the orange room during the 9:30am service on the following Sundays in November: 22nd
Weekly Youth:
Meet us Tuesday’s at CBC from 6-8pm for youth group!
**Any questions can be directed to Jared or Ty**
Youth Activity:
**Any questions can be directed to Jared or Ty**
Youth Director: Jared
Youth Assistant: Ty
Youth Staff: Liam and Brendan.