I hope you’re having a great week…..hasn’t the weather been awesome? When we get some sun…we live in one of the most beautiful places in the world.
This Weekend is Palm Sunday.
What an incredible and significant time for every believer who has a relationship with Jesus Christ. For those who have just come to know God…or maybe your having some trouble connecting the dates with the Bible…let me take a minute to bring some insight.
In Matthew 21 we read about the last week of Jesus starting with the his entry into Jerusalem. It says in vs 10 that when Jesus entered the city that the ” whole city was stirred and asked who is this?” It must have been quite a sight and an incredible event. Could you imagine what it would take to have the whole city of Abbotsford ‘stirred’??
The second part of that verse states that all the people of Jerusalem asked a very significant question. ” Who is this?”
Many people were confused and bewildered. The Jewish people had been looking for their Messiah for hundreds of years. They knew that someone was coming to free them from the rule and oppression of the Roman government. But this was only the carpenters son from Galilee. This was just the religious teacher who talked about a faraway kingdom. This was the man who ate with sinners and hung out with the misfits of society.
Two thousand years later and people are still asking this very important questions in reference to Jesus ….”Who Is This?”
This Sunday we are going to look at the last week of Jesus’ life and look to understand who Jesus really is.
Why not come at 9:30am…we are having a Waffle Breakfast for everyone. It’s always good to sit together and to have a meal with one another. After all, Jesus did it all the time with all types of people.
See you at Alderbrook on Palm Sunday.
Pastor Glenn and Cheryl
This Sunday is Palm Sunday! The kids get to hear the story of Jesus’ entry into Jerusalem with Palm branches. Jesus is our King!
Easter is on its way! What is your favourite dish that you have with your family? At Alderbrook, on Easter Sunday, we are going to have a Chocolate Egg Hunt for all the kids. They won’t want to miss it! This is a great opportunity to invite a family that you know our to Church.
Thanks to the people who have already donate chocolate eggs. We are still looking for more! If you are able to donate chocolate eggs for the hunt please contact Pastor Austin
Outlet Youth
Scavenger Hunt: This Sunday at Clayburn Middle School from 6-8PM It is going to be fun. Bring a friend or two!