Sunday, April 21 || Alderbrook Church

Hello everyone,
Christ is risen!! He is risen indeed!!
I have to admit that Easter Sunday is my favourite day of the year.
I’ve got lots of favourites throughout the calendar year…my birthday, Cheryl’s birthday (what day is it again?!?), our wedding anniversary, our kids birthdays….I love them all.
But, there’s nothing that comes close to remembering what Jesus Christ did for me on the cross (and my family) and then proved His deity by being raised from the dead!!
He is risen indeed!

This Sunday, Gregg and the team will be leading the music, singing and worship. Get ready to come and sing your lungs out, ’cause ‘He is Risen’!!
It’s time to sing, worship, celebrate…we serve a God who loves and cares for each one of us.

This Sunday, the Easter message is titled, “Words from the Cross and the Empty Tomb”. Have you ever read through the seven separate phrases that Jesus gave on the cross?
We just went through them with our Leadership Team on Monday night. Why not take time to read them this week as you prepare your heart for Sunday.

We will only have time to look at two (of the phrases/words) that Jesus shared from the cross, because we really want to get to the special words that were given at the empty tomb.
The angel said to Mary and Mary Magdalene…’He is not here…He is risen”. These words don’t just describe a historical event (although of utmost importance ), but they clearly have definition for each one of us today.
There’s an old song I remember singing as a kid…..”because He lives I can face tomorrow, all fear is gone, I know who holds the future..and life is worth living ….because He lives”.
That’s why Easter Sunday is my favourite day of the year.

See you on Easter Sunday. Christ is risen. He is risen indeed!!

Pastor Glenn and Cheryl


Sermon Series

April 21: “Words from the Cross and the Empty Tomb”

Important Events This Month

April 21: Easter Sunday Egg Hunt – Following the service, there will be a chocolate Easter egg hunt for the kids!

April 28: Water Baptism – If you’re interested in being baptized by water, fill out a connection card and place it in the offering.


Sundays at Kidzone

Stick around after church this Sunday and join us for our Easter Egg Hunt!

Purple Room: Ages 0-1   Green Room: Ages 1-3   Yellow Room: Ages 4-7 Red Room: Ages 8-11

Kids Zone Director: Cassidy


This Sunday in the Youth Room

Remember that the ACC Outlet Youth Room is open every Sunday before and after church.  Come hang out!

Middle School students meet in the orange room – April 28th this month.

Youth Alpha

Sunday’s 5:30-7:30: Meet that the CBC Campus to learn about God, play some games, and eat some snacks.

Youth Activity

May 12: Bake Sale after service – fundraiser for History Maker

May 24-26: History Maker – all weekend


Youth Director: Jared

Youth Staff: Ty, Liam, Brendan, and Calvin