ACC @CBC September 22, 2013


Hello everyone,

I hope you had a great week.

I can hardly wait until we get together at church this Sunday!! The past few weeks at ACC have been incredible as we have started into our fall season. It has been an exciting “Launch” and a great start this September.

I have so enjoyed and been inspired by the worship that our teams have been leading us over the past number of weeks. There is such an incredible presence of God as the musicians play…thank you for directing our eyes and hearts towards Jesus every single week. One of the thinhgs I love to see happens five minutes before the service starts, when the musicians stand in a circle on a platform in unified and concerted prayer….wow!! This Sunday Frank Sawatzky and the musicians will be preparing another great set of songs to draw us into the presence of God.

Would you remember to pray for our ACC missionaries today? The Potts family has landed in Zambia and I’m sure are experiencing many different changes for the whole family. Dave and Phyllis Rathjen leave this weekend for Romania. Would you be praying for strength, health and great annointing over their ministry and outreach. In fact, would you remember all of our missionaries in prayer today…Lorri and Randy Sawatzky, Dave and Shirley McLauren, Kris and Paulette Baker and Sheldon and Julie Kotyk. The Bible reminds us to pray, support and encourage those who are giving their lives in fulltime outreach and ministry.

This Sunday we continue our series titled, “Not A Fan”. Last weekend after church, Kris Baker and I headed down the I5 to Seattle to catch the Seahawks/Forty-Niners game. It was loud…I had my earplugs in the whole game. I didn’t sit down either…everyone stands. I don’t know why I paid for a ticket fo a “Seat”, when I should have just been charged to “Stand”. No worries…I had a blast. But again I was reminded…I was just a fan…the real game was happening down on the field. Its the same in our faith with Jesus Christ and the church…I can easily sit (or stand) in the audience and clap and cheer..but God wants us to put on the uniform and get down onto the playing field as we endeavor to reach people for Christ.

See you this Sunday where we will learn from the Bible about God’s incredible plan for those that “follow and want to be a disciple” of Jesus.

See you Sunday,

Pastor Glenn and Cheryl

 Sermon: Not a Fan …completely, committed, follower

Fan: an enthusiastic admirer. An intense observer.

In the Bible Jesus was never too interested in fans. He didn’t have time for those who jumped on and off the bandwagon of faith.

How do you view your relationship with Jesus Christ? What type of a follower are you? Join us for this next series as we look at how to

become a follower…not just a fan!!

Sept 15th  Fan or Follower of Jesus

Sept 22nd  Change Agents

Sept 29th   Light in a Dark World

October 20th   Out of the Stands and Onto the Field


 * Kids Zone Updates

Sunday, September 29th – Middle School Youth Event Save the date!

Tuesday, October 1st – Kidzone Leaders Meeting 7:00PM at CBC
For teacher, leaders, and helpers of Kidzone to cast vision and direction for the upcoming year
Put this date in your calendars!
We are always looking for people to be a part of our Kidzone and Middle School ministries. If you would like to help out in any way, (teachers, greeters, set-up, helpers, and more) we would love to have you on our team.
If you would like to part of the Kidzone team or have any Kidzone question you can talk to Austin  Sunday morning or email him anytime at

*Other Important Dates:

-Sunday, September 22nd  7 pm Mexico Missions Trip Meeting at Walt and Sarah’s
-Friday, September 27th Cyrus Centre Cook @ Sarah’s house.  We will be making spaghetti & chocolate chip cookies. We would love to have lots of people come out and help.  If you can’t make the date, but can still donate goods, that would be greatly appreciated.

Here is the link:
-Sunday, September 29th Souper Sunday right after church!