I trust you had a great Thanksgiving. Did you get enough turkey and pumpkin pie? I was able to eat dinner in moderation, which was great; however, Cheryl makes the best pumpkin cheesecake. Needless to say, I am running a bit further each morning!!
This weekend is ‘Missions Sunday’ at Alderbrook. We are so blessed to have the incredible missionaries and couples in our church. Last Sunday, when we concluded the sermon with communion and asked the missionaries to be available for prayer..I was so blessed. Remember, these four couples are a gift to our church and we have a duty, responsibility and opportunity to partner with them. Remember to pray for the Potts’ family in Zambia too.
This Sunday we will be receiving a second offering that supports our mission endeavors. Plus, we have started putting out the Paristano box at the back of the church. Paristano means, ‘helps’ and we desire to be a church that will see the needs around us and look at how we can fill them. People have been bringing cash, gift cards and gas cards..just simply to bless others who are going through tough times. Way to go Alderbrook…I’m proud of you.
This Sunday I want to continue our series on ‘Relational Grace’. Its hard isn’t it when people around us make life even tougher just by their attitude. This week we are going to look at the topic, “It’s easier to love my dog”. That might be true for some, however, God calls us higher and that we have a duty to initiate healthy relationships. I’m not saying it’s easy or fun, but God shows us our responsibility to those people that often make our lives difficult.
Finally, remember to sign up for “Souper Sunday” on October 26th…its always my favorite time at church!!
See you on Sunday,
Pastor Glenn and Cheryl
The cranky. The obnoxious. The toxically negative. Who doesn’t have some of those people in our lives that are hard to get along with? They might be a neighbour, a co-worker…or even a family member ! The Bible has some incredible advice and wisdom for dealing with relationships that need lots of ‘relational grace’.
Oct 5th How to Handle Difficult People
Oct 19th Its Easier to Love My Dog
October 26th Dealing with People Who Ruffle My Feathers
Nov 2nd Life Giving People
This Sunday is all about how God answers our prayers. “Call upon me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you.” Jeremiah 29:12
Mark your calendars for December 14th. That’s when our Kidzone Christmas production will be. Invite all of your family!
Check out the fall youth calendar! There is something for everyone! Grade 6 to grade 12. Every Sunday night we will have a youth event or activity!
*This Sunday: Extreme Air Park
We are going to be bouncing off the wall at the giant trampoline park. This event if for middle and high school students. Come on out and bring your friends. Get all the details here.
*Next Sunday: Lifegroups
Next Sunday from 6:30pm until 7:30pm. Come out and grow deeper in your faith