It has been said, “that all good things must come to an end”. How was your Spring Break? I know that some of the parents can hardly wait for Monday…but I’m sure that some of the kids and teachers wouldn’t mind another week, huh?
This Sunday at Alderbrook is Palm Sunday. I have always looked forward to Palm Sunday. Even though it signifies the start of Christ’s long and terrifying week and walk to the cross, I have always been intrigued with the triumphal entry.
Could you imagine the sights, sounds and energy that must have filled Jerusalem the day that Jesus rode into the city. The Bible says that people cut down Palm tree branches, laid down their cloaks and shouted/ sang ‘ Hosanna’. It must have been an electrifying moment.
We want to celebrate Palm Sunday by participating in communion together as a church family. In fact, my whole message and the whole morning service will be focused around communion, also called the Lord’s supper. My sermon this Sunday is titled, “Come to the Table” . Justin Irwin and the music team will be interspersing the worship music throughout the message and we will then finish by breaking bread together. Didn’t I say earlier…Palm Sunday is one of my favorite Sundays!!
Would you also mark your calendars for Easter Sunday? It is going to be a great day at Alderbrook and I hope that you will be there.
Pastor Glenn and Cheryl