ACC @ CBC March 13, 2016

FullSizeRender 6It’s not only the start of Spring Break, but its also Spring Forward this weekend!! I always love it when the evenings get longer!!
This is your reminder to move your clocks ahead one hour….I know that you lose an hour of ‘blessed sleep’, but you will also be out to church on time.

We had a great Sunday last week as we shared communion was incredible to pray for one another too! Thanks ACC for being such a caring church that really looks to bless others.
This Sunday, Justin and the team will be leading the singing and worship. Again, I want to thank all of our musicians, powerpoint and sound techs for your incredible work Sunday after Sunday. I deeply appreciate and value your service to Jesus as well as our church…you are awesome!!

This Sunday I want to finish our series called ‘Breaking Free’. I hope that you have enjoyed it, and that the sermon series has helped you grow deeper with God. The last message in this series is ‘Breaking Free from Fear’.
All of us at one time or another face different fears in life. Look through the pages of the Bible and this is a constant topic that people faced. We are going to look at the anecdote to dealing with fear and learning how to grow stronger in our relationship with God.

Here are some upcoming Sundays that you won’t want to miss:
Palm Sunday (March 20th)
Easter Sunday at Alderbrook (March 27th ) Chocolate Egg Hunt for the Kids, Water Baptism

Why not invite someone to church over the next few weeks?
See you in church on Sunday (after you move your clock ahead one hour!!)

Pastor Glenn and Cheryl











*New Sermon Series coming in April: YES or NO Series

Two of the smallest words we use could be two of the most powerful words of our lives. In this series we want to look at what the Bible has to say about these two significant (yet small) words and how they can impact our lives, as well as those around us.

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The Kids are busy preparing for Easter Sunday! The red room is preparing a skit for Easter, as well, as learning all about God’s promises and the Israelites’ journey to the promise land. The green and yellow room will have something as well for easter Sunday. still working on the details of that. They have been learning all about the first sin and we are started learning all about Easter and why we celebrate Easter. I am in the midst of putting together an exciting easter egg hunt for the children! We’re looking for the wrapped chocolate eggs, if anyone has any they’d be willing to donate to bring them to the church office or myself on a Sunday morning.

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This Sunday morning we will be continuing with the series “Hacked” with our middle school students.

Sunday evening we have a “Movie and Junk Food Night” planned for the middle and high school students. Drop off is at CBC at 6pm and pick up is at 8:30pm. Drinks and snacks are provided. Bring a comfy pillow or blanket!!!