Did you survive the time change? Whether you think its a great idea or not, the big question for me is always trying to change my car clock (or do I leave it until the Fall…..lol)
This Sunday is Palm Sunday..one of my favorites of the year.
I love the biblical account when Jesus makes his triumphal entry to Jerusalem and the crowds came out to spread their cloaks and cut down palm branches, while singing praise to Him. It must have been a stirring and chilling event as the procession made its way towards the city. A number of years ago I visited Israel and was amazed at the topography between the Mt of Olives and the city of Jerusalem. What hit me the most was the view looking up towards the city from the garden of Gethsemane…Jesus was on a mission and his focus was on one thing….drawing people (men, women, boys and girls) back home to God. It still amazes me that as Jesus got closer to the city, people asked each other, “Who is this? (Matthew 21:10)” Some knew him as the carpenters son, others knew him as a great religious teacher, but they were confused as the triumphal entry unfolded. In fact the Bible says that the whole city was “stirred”…people were visibly aware that something very significant was taking place. The triumphal entry (and Palm Sunday) signifies the steps that Jesus started as He walked towards the cross not as a carpenter, teacher or good person…but as the Son of God ready to lay his life down for us.
This Sunday Gregg and the team will be leading us in music and in worship. Come to church ready and expecting God to meet us in a very special way. I want to bring a message titled, “Palm Sunday Always Leads to Easter”. Its not just about a calendar date or the sequence, but we are going to look at the steps that Jesus took in preparing to go to the cross for you and for me. What should that look like for us today? What difference does Christ’s walk to the cross make in our lives today?.
See you on Sunday,
Pastor Glenn and Cheryl
ps Just remember..you don’t have to touch your clock this Sunday…lol
*New Sermon Series coming in April: YES or NO Series
Two of the smallest words we use could be two of the most powerful words of our lives. In this series we want to look at what the Bible has to say about these two significant (yet small) words and how they can impact our lives, as well as those around us.
The Kids are busy preparing for Easter Sunday! The red room is preparing a skit for Easter, as well, as learning all about God’s promises and the Israelites’ journey to the promise land. The green and yellow room will have something as well for easter Sunday. still working on the details of that. They have been learning all about the first sin and we are started learning all about Easter and why we celebrate Easter. I am in the midst of putting together an exciting easter egg hunt for the children! We’re looking for the wrapped chocolate eggs, if anyone has any they’d be willing to donate to bring them to the church office or myself on a Sunday morning.
*Outlet Youth
This Sunday morning we will be continuing with the series “Hacked” with our middle school students.
This Sunday we will be having a Campfire and Weiner Roast as well as playing some fun games outside for all youth. This is all at the Soeten’s.
Drop off is at 5:30pm and pick-up is at 7:30pm. Please talk to Joel or Hanna if you need directions. The weather calls for a little bit of rain so make sure to bring warm clothes and good shoes for running around.