ACC @ CBC April 24, 2016 Souper Sunday!

FullSizeRenderIt’s Souper Sunday Passover edition this week!!  Thank you Nicole for sending out an email reminder!

I enjoy every single Sunday at Alderbrook, but I have to admit…when Souper Sunday comes around its my favorite.
The food is always awesome and plentiful, but I think that I enjoy the opportunity just to casually sit and chat with people in our church. Its so important that we have this time of community and getting to know each other. This Sunday we are actually following a Passover Souper Sunday…its going to be very meaningful and a great time to connect with one another. We will also be celebrating Communion together…

This Sunday Gregg will be leading the singing and the worship. Have you been praying for the college and university students this week as many of them are writing their final exams? I know that I have two young adults that are diligently studying for exams and getting their final papers in before the deadlines. We are so thankful at ACC for all of the college students!!

I want to continue our series titled, YES NO with a message that asks the very important question: What will be my life priorities? Have you thought about it (Yes? No? )? I believe that everyone (whatever age) needs to consider what their God given purpose and therefore priority needs to be in life…its going to be good to look into God’s Word together.

See you for Souper Sunday (my favorite time!!)

Pastor Glenn and Cheryl

*Sermon Series: Yes or NO?











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The red room is excited to start its new summer themed series on kids big questions about God. The yellow and green room are starting a new lesson on Gods big test for Abraham with Isaac.

Parents be sure to mark your calendars for Friday May 6th! Drop your kids off at the church at 6pm, pick them up at 9pm! We’ll have an evening full of games, a craft, snack and even a movie. We hope this will create an opportunity for parents to have a “night off” if such a thing exists. Maybe go on a date!
On a completely unrelated note to Kidzone. One of the things I love to do on my time off is volunteer with the Canadian Mental Health Association. I am fundraising for them by running Vancouver’s BMO marathon May 1st. If you are interested in making a donation or just want to know more please talk to Allie.

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Middle School Students will be in the service this week serving our congregation communion.

High School Students will be meeting for Youth Alpha to watch and discuss Episode #9-EVIL this Sunday evening at the Hutchisons.